6- Signs That It’s Time to Schedule Termite Control

Termites are a significant problem for homeowners. They can cause substantial damage to a home’s structure and go overlooked for a long time. That’s why regular termite services for termite control are vital to protect your home.

A regular termite inspection is a significant method. Termites are one of the most common pests that can invade a home or business. Structural damage in the US alone costs over $5 billion yearly, with most of this damage not covered by insurance.

Although termites cause more damage to properties than natural disasters, there are six signs that it’s time to schedule termite control.

Visible Damage to Wood

It is known that termites consume drywall, wood, and other materials made of cellulose. If you observe evident damage, like cracks in wooden exteriors or hollow-sounding walls, termites may be present.

Furthermore, knock on the walls around your home with a screwdriver or a similar rigid item. If they give way quickly or sound hollow, it’s time to contact a termite control professional. The expert will inspect the range of damage and suggest superlative treatment choices. The termites will continue to consume wood until it’s destroyed, making immediate action necessary to prevent further damage.

Termite Mounds

Similar to beetles, there are hundreds of termite species, each with exclusive favourites and features. For example, the subterranean termites typically flourish underground while the rest make colonies and nests on wood.

Irrespective of the magnitude, a termite mound on your property indicates that termites are close and can attack. In most cases, they produce widespread underground tunnel networks to examine the target area.

Mud Tubes

Mud tubes look like spots on the walls or bases. You may notice wings or frass before you observe mud tubes. However, you can search for these fragments to find where the termite signal originated. Even if it is limited, you can treat your termite issue with a spot treatment. However, if you see them in numerous areas around your home, it may be time to plan a disinfection.

Droppings and Unpleasant Odors

Sometimes, the indication of an invasion is not seen but felt. Mouldy scents, like ancient books in a damp cellar or the sharp sting of ammonia, can invade your home without an apparent source. Droppings, the less confusing calling card of pests, may be present in conjunction with these smells. These minor signs are not just visually repellant; they tolerate the danger of health hazards to two- and four-legged inhabitants.

Ignoring termite pest removal can lead to discomfort and health crises, making pest exterminators’ expertise crucial for prevention and control.

Droppings and Damage

Pests frequently leave behind two distinctive signs of their occurrence: droppings and damage. This significant evidence can offer a crucial understanding of the extent of a pest issue in your home.

Typically, pest droppings are pellet-like, tiny, and black. They act as a strong indicator of a pest’s position and movement. The size and look of the droppings can fluctuate depending on the kind of pest. For example, mice droppings are small, resembling rice grains, while larger pests like raccoons leave greater, hollow droppings.

Damage from pests can be apparent, from troubled wires and wood to shredded insulation and crushed packaging. Detecting physical damage caused by pests is a warning that shouldn’t be overlooked.

Visible Damage to Structures and Fabrics

Persistent bugs show little regard for the sanctity of your home’s integrity. Invasions are marked by unique signs such as stripped wires, soft flooring, and walls with holes and entry points. These structural destructions can be the action of rodents on a rampage.

Similarly, the strangely seeming fabric holes might expose the stealthy spreads of moths or the invasive actions of carpet beetles.  These visual clues signal the need for expert pest control assistance, more than just a little harm.