Magnus Thompson

The Essential Role of Business Brokers to Navigate Through the Business Seas 

In the intricate world of business transactions, Orlando business brokers stand as crucial navigators, guiding entrepreneurs through the challenging journey of buying or selling a business. These professionals serve as the bridge between buyers and sellers, utilizing their deep market knowledge and negotiation skills to facilitate deals that benefit both parties. Their role is multifaceted;…

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Laundry Lessons: Training Your Staff for Excellence in Customer Service

In the laundry business, providing exceptional customer service is key to attracting and retaining loyal clientele. Your staff members are the face of your laundromat and play a crucial role in delivering a positive experience for customers. According to, these are essential “laundry lessons” to include in your staff training program: Emphasize the Importance…

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 Prepare for Potential Business Crises

“Fortune favours the prepared” – Louis Pasteur Organisations are subject to a wide range of potential crises, such as natural or environmental disasters, wars, IT hacking breaches, pandemics, supply chain disruptions, government sanctions, safety or Workcover incidents, and economic down turns – to name but a few. Sadly, crises can easily become reality and can…

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Mastering Payroll Efficiency: Tips for HR Professionals

Payroll is one of the most critical functions of any organisation. It involves the calculation and processing of employee salaries, wages, bonuses, and deductions. Payroll administration can be a time-consuming and complex process, especially for HR professionals who are responsible for managing it. However, mastering payroll efficiency is essential for any HR professional who wants…

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